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20/08/2007 - Summer Update
27/06/2007 - Email Problems
26/04/2007 - Tour Update 1
19/02/2007 - Pre-Tour Update
19/02/2007 - Shawstix
21/01/2007 - Mad Men Warning!
20/01/2007 - New Year Update
26/07/2006 - Photo Diary
Nigel's Mid-Summer Photo Update
01/08/2006 - August Update
26/07/2006 - Photo Diary
Nigel's Mid-Summer Photo Update
26/06/2006 - Mid-Summer Update
Nigel's Mid-Summer Update - Graspop and Hellfest
21/06/2006 - Summer Update SUPPLEMENT
Nigel's Summer Update - SUPPLEMENT
19/06/2006 - Summer Update
Nigel's Summer Update - Thoughts on the Saxon Tour; future plans; PC problems; museum rescued
05/04/2006 - Innocence Tour
Some photos from Italy of the Innocence Tour
05/04/2006 - Tattoo Artist!
Some photos of a great Saxon Tattoo
18/02/2006 - Interview with Nigel
Read this interview in Metal Rules
06/02/2006 - Message from Nigel
Have had a huge problem with Outlook crashing. This has been sorted now, although my emails have gone. So, if anyone's waiting for a reply to an email please resend as the original is probably in the ether!!! Also, if anyone sent me pictures from the last tour, please resend these as well and they'll go straight up on the site.
06/02/2006 - Madmen Download
The Mad Men album is available to download from the following sites:
DMSes (all of the iTunes country stores, MSN Music, MusicNet, Napster, real/rhapsody, Sony Connect, Amped, Arvato, Blueprint, eMusic, Liquid, etc….)
29/11/2005 - November Update
31/10/2005 - Tour Update 2
Nigel's second instalment from the Saxon tour
10/10/2005 - Tour Update
Nigel's report from the Saxon tour
19/09/2005 - Nigel's Update
04/02/2005 - Update
04/02/2005 - Kit for Sale
Nigel's Ludwig kit is for sale
28/11/2004 - Napster
Nigel has just finalised a deal meaning that the Mad Men album/tracks will be available to download off Napster, iTunes etc in about six weeks.
20/11/2004 - 99 Things
"El Syd", is currently on one of the "99 Things...." episodes
18/10/2004 - Nazareth
05/10/2004 - Nigel with Saxon
Message from Nigel about the Saxon Astoria gig
05/09/2004 - Wacken Festival
14/08/2004 - Wacken Festival
28/07/2004 - Nigel to play with Saxon!
Nigel will be guesting for Saxon at the Wacken Open Air Festival, 7th August 2004, performing 747 Strangers in the Night.
This will be the first time that Nigel has played with Saxon since the injury in 1998 - it promises to be a great day.
21/07/2004 - Message from Nigel:
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Graham Phillips - Nigel's trying to find him - he was the singer in "Shadowfax", one of Nigel's first bands back in Hove/Brighton. - the last time they met was in Oxford - Nigel was gigging there with Saxon and Graham, and his wife Val, came along. Having kept in touch by telephone and Christmas cards, they've since disappeared. The last Nigel knew was that Graham may have been working for the Parks/gardens dept in Milton Keynes. If anyone can help....??????
21/07/2004 - Message from Nigel:
Nigel Ross-Scott ... Nigel has been located, we're in contact, and many, many thanks to Kelly Hooker at Kelna in Worthing, and Simon Osborne of Splash FM, also in Worthing.
02/06/2004 - Message from Nigel:
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Nigel Ross-Scott ...
01/06/2004 - Those Magnificent Men
Nigel in a Tiger Moth ...
A summary of Nigel's activities over the past few months...
05/03/2004 - Swing That Tail
"Swing That Tail" from the Mad Men album is getting extensive play on tv - apart from "99 Things To Do Before You Die" on Sky Travel, it's also being used as the closing theme for Premier League football programmes which go out three times a week to around fifty countries!! Other Mad Men tracks are getting tv usage as well on such programmes as "Dream Team", "Teachers", "Mile High", and "Eurotica", to name a few!!! Tracks Nigel has written with Roger Adams are starting to get used too, plus solo compositions. On a different theme, F1 is about to start!!!!!!!!!!! Who's going to get the Championship this year?!!!!!
03/01/2004 - Swing That Tail
"Swing That Tail" from the "Mad Men..." album is currently the first piece of music heard on "99 Things To Do Before You Die" on the Sky Travel channel.
A summary of Nigel's activities over the last 20 months...
19/05/2003 - Desperate Dan Band
New album, Unplugged, Unhinged & Almost Live!, released.
The following has been taken from the Dan Site:
A conversation between Nigel Glockler and myself convinced me to go ahead. He put me in contact with sound engineer Stuart Cambell and the rest, as they say, is history. Stuart made an amazing job of recording the two sessions at T' Coconut and mixing it all. Along with Nigel (who very generously allowed us the use of the studio at No. 13) he has produced arguably the best thing we have done yet.
So those of you who have this album: please enjoy! and for those who have not: hurry up and get it!
22/03/2003 - Saxon Album
Nigel, Paul Quinn, and Doug Scarratt have been getting together at Nigel's studio over the past couple of weeks writing material for the next Saxon album. Nibbs is expected to join them for the next session next week.
06/02/2003 - Mad Men outlet and review
Mad Men is now available at CD Services in the Guitar Instrumental Music section, or follow this direct link and also read the great review of the album.
04/02/2003 - Mad Men in Germany
A distibution deal is going through for a release in Germany of Mad Men and English Dogs. The album will soon be available in the shops there.
06/01/2003 - Desperate Dan Band
17/08/2002 - Paul Samson
03/08/2002 - New Desperate Dan Album
04/07/2002 - Gallery on its way
13/06/2002 - Mad Men in Brighton!
24/04/2002 - Mad Men AT VIRGIN!
08/04/2002 - New Outlet for 'Mad Men...' in America
There is now an outlet for people in America and Canada to get hold of Mad Men & English Dogs. You can now order it from:
Chris Jamele
Rasputin Music
470 South 11th St. #12
San Jose, CA 95112
Email: headquake77@aol.com
10/03/2002 - Mad Men II
Nigel is now working on a Mad Men 2 album and there's a strong chance that there will be some vocals on this one.
27/01/2002 - Interview with DME
Nigel has completed an interview with DME. Go to their site, read the interview.
13/01/2002 - Shop Update
There has been an upgrade to the online shop. Visit the shop to buy your copy of Mad Men and English Dogs.
04/12/2001 - INTERVIEWS
04/12/2001 - Mad Men Reviews
29/11/2001 - At the moment Nigel is busy writing new material for various projects with Stuart Campbell.
Other news is that there are plans for two Dan Band albums to be recorded early in the New Year - one will mainly be acoustic-based, the other will be their usual brand of blues/funk/r&b, but with a difference!!!! More news on these as it happens!!!
- If you want to order the album but either don`t have a credit card or are worried about security, there are a number of ways to do this - full details on the Online Shop page.
24/10/2001 - Read the Electric Basement review of Mad Men and English Dogs
17/09/2001 - Mad Men and English Dogs RELEASED! Buy it only from this Web Site from Monday 17 September. Tell EVERYONE!!!!!
02/09/2001 - Fun page added.
28/08/2001 - Soundbites from 'Mad Men and English Dogs are available now.
10/08/2001 - New album, 'Mad Men and English Dogs to be released in September. You will only be able to get it via this web site..
30/07/2001 - You can view the cover for the forthcoming album and see the final track listing by clicking here.
16/07/2001 - Mixing of Mad Men and English Dogs is now completed and mastering will be going ahead in London.
26/06/2001 - Fin Costello will be doing the cover for Mad Men and English Dogs. Fin's other work includes Rob Halford and Cradle of Filth to name but a few - visit Fin's website now!
25/06/2001 The production of Mad Men and English Dogs is coming on apace and in Nigel's own words, "it's sounding mega!".
17/06/2001 - Nigel's been in the studio again with Doofer - more playing, programming and backing vocals - nine tracks finished so far (apart from mixing ) - Phil and Paul are busy completing the writing of another two or three tracks which will be laid down after the completion of the "Madmen..." album, mixing of which is expected to be finished in about two and a half weeks!
03/06/2001 - Mixing for Mad Men and English Dogs continues apace at Silvermere after a brief sojourn in Monte Carlo for the Formula One Grand Prix (although there were other reasons for this trip as will become apparent when you hear the album).
03/06/2001 - Nigel will be appearing in a Top Ten of 1981 programme that will be aired on Channel 4 in July.
14/05/2001 - New section added - "Drum Kits I Have Known"
12/05/2001 - Nigel will be doing an interview, 15/05/2001, for Chrysalis TV for a Top Ten programme that will cover the time that he was with Toyah. More information will follow when it comes to hand.
22/04/2001 - Nigel's been playing drums for British band, Doofer (complete with members of the gorgeous Girlschool on backing vocals), for an album to be released later this year.
22/04/2001 - 'Mad Men...' has entered the next stage of mixing - it's sounding terrific!
21/03/2001 - Once the album is complete, it will be available exclusively from this site and a firm release date will be posted, complete with three or four sample audio downloads.
20/03/2001 - The full story of the making of "Mad Men and English Dogs" now on site.
10/03/2001 - A complete biography is being completed and will be online shortly.
10/03/2001 - Also, the full story re. "Mad Men and English Dogs" album will be up too - how it came about etc and how it was written and recorded.
05/03/2001 - Nigel has also been busy with Saxon again and has recorded some mellotron parts for the new Saxon album, which is looking great.
05/03/2001 - Gallery of photos to appear on the site soon.
21/01/2001 - The new album is nearly completed, the recording is finished and it's now being mixed. "Mad Men and English Dogs" will be available in early 2001 - watch this space!
UPDATE: Saxon are now firmly ensconced in the studio in Hamburg, recording the follow-up to 'Metal Head'
Nigel's been up in Lincolnshire with the rest of Saxon, co-writing their new album. Recording is due to start early in 2001 - we'll keep you posted on that one.